Effective Search Engine Optimization Techniques

The main goal of search engine optimization(seo)  is to get a higher rank in search engine results. For that, we are doing some Effective Search Engine Optimization Techniques to improve website. Mainly we are doing two techniques,

  1. On page Optimization
  2. Off page Optimization

Very Effective Search Engine Optimization Techniques

If we are Optimization this techniques in a good way,then we can improve the website rank.

  • Keywords

keywordsOne major factor in SEO is its focusing keyword. Our goal is to find keywords that provide traffic but are also not overly difficult to rank for.Keyword optimization is making sure that you have targeted the right people and in the right context with the content you are putting out. If we are using our keyword in the meta description, title, URL, and  within the text, then we can achieve our goal to rank high.

  • Content

Content is a king of a website.The only way you  get people to spend time on your website is through content. If content is good and useful then user will spend more time in website and it will help your website rank higher.

  • Title Tag

title tagsTitle tags are which users first look for. If title tag, that we give is more impressive then users click on it. By this CTR(click through rate) will increase and automatically rank get higher. We have heading tags, H1,H2,…H6. Title tag are given in H1 tags. H1 have more important in heading tags. So try to give H1 for title tag.



Post  By Nivea Joy